Glimpses into Paris

October 13, 2016

by apaparis

The best parts of living in Paris aren’t the obvious parts. It’s not the glamorous Champs Elysées, it’s not shopping on Rue di Rivoli, it’s not even the view from the Eiffel Tower.

The best part is walking, because by walking Paris becomes part of you and you become part of Paris. Whether it’s through the Palais Royale to meet some friends for a Friday night visit to the Louvre or through a park, une petite promenade changes how you think about Paris. When I walk, I see the city at a pace it should be seen. I catch the street art in the alley. I learn to love my neighborhood, with a better understanding for who frequents the cafés and bars going up from the Portes Saint-Denis and Saint-Martin in the 10th arondissement. I notice that patch of incredible sunlight or that bookstall or those weird egg candies. Without it, I would have missed out on some of my favorite parts of Paris: Parc Buttes-Chaumont or L’oasis D’Aboukir (a vertical Garden in the 2nd). Walking opens up the city — allows you to see the thousands of kinds of life happening all around you.  Paris is a city of hidden gems that can’t be discovered on the internet, so just step outside and see what it has to offer you.
I attached some photos from my phone over the past couple weeks because these reveal a bit more of la vie quotidienne, the day-to-day of life here.

Happy Wednesday to all!


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