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for Advisors


Building and maintaining strong relationships with our institutional partners is key to our continued collaboration. Both stateside and abroad, the APA team is committed to working with your institution’s faculty and staff alike to ensure your institution’s particular needs, policies, and expectations are not only being met but, exceeded.

Additionally, support doesn’t stop at the administrative level. Each APA program includes a suite of academic, language, pre-departure, and on-site support, ensuring each student has the proper resources for a successful term abroad.

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Support in the US

  • 24/7 emergency contact
  • Ongoing support for unique student cases
  • Study abroad fair and information session participation
  • Classroom presentations and French/Francophone-organized activities
  • Liaison between student and parent

Support Abroad

  • 24/7 emergency contact
  • Prompt contact with home institution advisors during course registration
  • Thorough transcript package delivered by mail and electronically once term is complete
  • On-site visits accepted throughout the year
Two students sitting at a table studying together

Language support

  • Weekly individual language support: This customized language support starts during orientation with a language evaluation. Based on the results, students will be assigned to one of our French language professors. Each week throughout the semester, students meet with their professor individually for 30 minutes and separately with their teaching assistant for one hour working on oral expression and other noted areas for improvement.
  • Arabic and Wolof introductory lessons: Available in Rabat and Dakar respectively on the Multi-Country: France, Morocco, Senegal program, these classes held during orientation give students the foundation to communicate in the local language.
  • Conversational Wolof: Available in the Dakar Summer program, these lessons build off of the basics learned during orientation.
  • Group grammar workshops: Syntax and various grammatical elements are covered to aid in completing course assignments.

University class support

  • Cours complémentaire (Paris programs only): For each class that has at least three APA students enrolled, APA creates an additional course called a “cours complémentaire” or extra tutorial session. In most cases, this is taught by the same instructor teaching the class. These courses help students bridge the gap between the French and American educational systems and meets on a regular basis, usually every two weeks.
  • Methodology workshops
  • Course-specific tutoring sessions
  • Proofreading sessions to review and edit a paper prior to handing it in
  • Midterm check-in to ensure students are on-track in their classes

Pre-departure support

No question is too insignificant. Our dedicated US team is available to answer student questions throughout the pre-departure process. Common services provided include:

  • Visa application assistance
  • Financial advising and liaison for billing questions
  • Pre-departure orientation
  • General course advising

On-site support

Our door is always open when it comes to needs, questions, and concerns when students are on-site. Below are a few ways that our local teams assist students:

  • Arranging appointments with English-speaking doctors and therapists
  • On-site orientation
  • Cell phone assistance: arranging a visit to a local agency during orientation for students to purchase SIM cards and calling plans
  • Housing support