Course Catalogs

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ParisMulti-CountryParis: Gap YearDakarFrench AntillesIntensive Arabic

Multi-Country Courses

All students take Introduction to France, Morocco and Senegal: Three Worlds, One Language.

Students will register for three additional courses from those available to complete their schedule. All courses are four credits each and taught in French.

When reading syllabi, keep in mind that each course incorporates material from numerous fields. Course content and availability subject to change.

Development Economics: Findings and Perspectives

Emigration from Africa to Europe: Between the Strong Southern Migratory Aspiration and the Protectionism of Northern "El Dorado"

French Colonialism and Decolonization: France, Morocco, Senegal

Introduction to France, Morocco and Senegal: Three Worlds, One Language

Islam, Politics and Identity: France, the Maghreb & West Africa

Passages Through Francophone Cities